Present Tense
Lesson 1: Basics
In Nuuko-Torontonian Creole, the present tense is formed by dropping the "-æn" ending of a verb, and adding a conjugated suffix. There are fifteen different ways to conjugate a verb in the present tense, all depending on which pronoun is being used!
Lesson 2: Plurality & Formality
NTC distinguishes between 3 levels of plurality: singular, paucal, and plural. Singular means exactly "one" paucal means "a few", and plural means "many. NTC also distinguishes between formal and informal in both the 2nd and 3rd persons.
In this language, there are no separate male and female pronouns!
Singular Pronouns
1st Person
2nd Person (Intimate)
2nd Person (Formal)
3rd Person (Intimate)
3rd Person (Formal)
Verb Endings
"I say"
"You say"
"You say"
"He/she says"
"He/she says"
Paucal Pronouns
1st Person
2nd Person (Intimate)
2nd Person (Formal)
3rd Person (Intimate)
3rd Person (Formal)
"We say"
"You say"
"You say"
"He/she says"
"He/she says"
Paucal Pronouns
1st Person
2nd Person (Intimate)
2nd Person (Formal)
3rd Person (Intimate)
3rd Person (Formal)
"We say"
"You say"
"You say"
"He/she says"
"He/she says"